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Home > Services > Crisis

If you are in a crisis and/or are contemplating suicide, please call:

Local: 1 (888) 279-8188 (24hrs/day)  |  National: 1 (800) 273-TALK or text “talk” to 741741 (24 hours/day)

Mental health crisis may happen at any time.

CMHS understands that a mental health crisis may happen at any time and they provide on-site crisis services during normal business hours and 24-hour service availability through collaboration with area partners.

The Crisis Department is located at the William H. Kyles building. Members of the Crisis team are available Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM to address any walk-in mental health crisis. After hours and on weekends the local crisis line, managed by CommCare, can be accessed by calling 1 (888) 279-8188. CMHS has staff who are on-call who will be mobilized by the CommCare crisis line team as needed to provide crisis intervention for our consumers.

The Crisis Department offers an array of services to meet the emergent needs of our community

Mental Health Court

This is a collaborative partnership between the legal/justice system and the mental health system. CMHS works with the Jackson County Mental Health Courts to provide a 6-12-month diversion program for persons charged with municipal violations who are also diagnosed with mental illness. Mental Health Court accepts referrals from Police Officers, Prosecuting Attorneys, Defense Attorneys, Probation Officers, Judges, treatment providers and family members.

To make a referral contact the local prosecutor in the court where the defendant’s case will be heard or contact Comprehensive Mental Health Services for more information, visit their website.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

The CMHS CISM team was established to provide crisis intervention specifically designed to help professionals cope with the psychological stresses inherent in their occupations, as well as for unexpected traumatic events.

The CISM team provides a variety of interventions to assist with the development and use of healthy stress management responses after a traumatic event. Interventions will be selected based on severity and type of incident, and population impacted. Typically, interventions occur within 24-72 hours from the time of the event or as determined necessary by the CISM team lead.

Types of incidents that may have significant emotional impact and are appropriate for CISM support include:

  • Death of personnel during an on-site incident, home visit, or other workplace related death
  • Serious workplace injury
  • Suicide or other unexpected death of a coworker
  • Mass casualty incidents
  • Serious injury/death of clients
  • Events that seriously threaten the lives of CMHS staff or individuals in Eastern Jackson County

If you would like to engage the CISM team, please contact Steve Jobe or Samantha Griggs at (816) 254-3652.


CMHS works closely with local law enforcement to ensure that community members with mental health or substance use issues who are involved with a police/911 call are evaluated and referred to needed services.

CMHS has trained clinicians embedded in the Blue Springs Police Department and Independence Police Department to work with their Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) officers to respond to calls where it appears the community member may have a mental health or substance use disorder. While on scene Co-Responders can provide support to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and can work with the individual to connect them to appropriate community resources.

Suicide Prevention Liaison

The Suicide Prevention Liaison collaborates with professionals within CMHS and with other community agencies to help evaluate and offer appropriate resources to individuals experiencing suicidality. The CMHS Suicide Prevention Liaison also partners with local schools during their SOS (Signs of Suicide) days to help provide professional evaluation, support, and resources to students who are identified as at risk for suicide, self-harm, and/or other mental health concerns.

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