The holiday season often brings us reasons for joy, cause for celebration, and opportunities to build and forge connections. But they can also present us with mile-long to-do lists...
Across the behavioral health field, we recognize the importance of offering support to caregivers, whether they sought our help on behalf of their children or for themselves. We al...
We live in a time of information overload — 24-hour news cycles, unlimited access to social media and our own personal stresses of daily living. Add in a presidential election year...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! By completing this activity sheet and thinking about words that represent how we feel is a great way to celebrate. You can keep your mental he...
The purpose of this program is to encourage you with an incentive that rewards you for being accountable in your recovery process. We want you to be successful, and to achieve grea...
Our transitional housing facility, New Connections, received some much-needed upgrades in the form of a full kitchen renovation and construction to open up more office and group sp...